One night for free when you book four nights at midsummer. Two nights for free when you book a week. Rent a cottage or stay in your own caravan.
Enter ”midsommarpaket” when booking 7 nights. Enter "midsommar" when booking 4 nights.
Traditional midsummer celebration at KustCamp Gamleby, Hammarsbadet
18.00 we dress the midsummer pole. Everyone who wants to join are welcome to do so.
13.00 Traditional Midsummer celebration.
The Midsummer pole is raised by Hallingeberg's folk dance group
who then dances and leads games around the bar.
Tip walk with ice cream for the kids, coffee serving, lotteries, etc.
12.30 Pony riding below the reception..
KustCamp Ekön
Thursday We dress the midsummer pole. Everyone who wants to join are welcome to do so.
Friday On Midsummer's Eve, you can take part in traditional Swedish midsummer celebration for the whole family.
Tip walk with nice prices.
Dance around the midsummer pole and all the children with flowers in it
the hair is treated to ice cream.
Price and validity:
Valid when booking over midsummer, book 4 nights pay for 3 or book 7 pay for 5.
Valid only at the time of booking.